Green Asset Ratio… or how will European banks measure their contribution to the fight against climate change and pollution?

Banking regulators are paying increasing attention to defining regulations governing banks' activities in the fields of environmental protection and combating climate change. In this regard, the European banking regulatory body has defined an indicator that EU banks will have to…


Koje knjige vredi pročitati u 2021.?

The Ecology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained (DK, 2019) Ovo je svojevrsna ekološka enciklopedija koja na veoma jednostavan način, uz zanimljive primere i ilustracije, prikazuje definicije, ideje, pokrete i aktivnosti koje su oblikovale ekološku misao. Knjiga je struktuirana na način…

Read more about the article Koje knjige vredi pročitati u 2021.?
Credit: The Guardian